Purchase via SMS:
Siuskite zinute su tekstu VPSNET2 FENIXVIP numeriu 1679 Kaina 30d/ 2 EUR Kai nusiusite SMS zinute iskart po atsakymo VIP bus automatiskai aktivuotas!

Fenix VIP

Enter your IP

Enter your SteamID (From game)

You open Counter Strike 1.6 you go to any fenix server you open the console and write STATUS
and in the queue you will see the following ("yourName" 3510 STEAM_1: 1: 1034729916 13 27:35 12 0)
and you have to fill in the blank space where you ask for your STEAMID
to find your IP address look up and it will look like this ( and you have to fill in the blank space asking for your IP address
if you do not do it properly unfortunately we will not be able to impose privileges on you and your money will be refunded
for any problem please contact us in
Fenix.LT Forum

Atsidarote Counter Strike 1.6 einate i bet kuri fenix serveri atsidarote konsole ir parašote STATUS
ir eilėje matysite taip ( "jusuVardas" 3510 STEAM_1:1:1034729916 13 27:35 12 0)
ir turite užpildyti i tuščia vieta kur prašo jusu STEAMID
noredami rasti savo IP adresa žiureti aukštyn ir jis atrodys taip (
ir turite užpildyti i tuščia vieta kur prašo jusu IP adreso jei jus to
nepadarysite tinkamai deja mes negalėsim jums uždėti privilegijas ir jūsų pinigai bus gražinti
dėl bet kokios problemos prašome susisiekti su mumis
Fenix.LT Forum

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